'Smash Me' plate to relieve bureaucratic frustration.
Regular price
Trying to access an appointment with your doctor? Deal with a minor tax issue or persuade royal mail that you waited in all day like you were asked to?
Hmmmm....before you tear your hair out, your partner's hair out or the dog's hair out, you might like to take it out on a second hand plate, customised for the job.
Once you place the order, I'll scurry around to find a suitably decorative, good intentioned plate for you to wreak havoc on.
The type is not dishwasher proof, so this is really to be hung on the wall or put aside until it's needed for de-stressing purposes.
Makes a good 'thinking of you' gift for someone dear to you who's going through frustrating times. Rather than sending strength, send breakables.
The price includes UK delivery and enough wrapping and packing to ensure it's the recipient who gets to smash the bloody thing and not the postal service!
I love seeing your photos, so if you decide to post an image of this, please share it with me suzi@twistedtwee.co.uk.