The ShittyGift Fathers Day collection
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Another thoughtful assemblage of hand made gifts, carefully created to look completely useless so you can convincingly pass them off as your own.
In this romantic batch we have the classic heart card which uses glitter, as (like your love) it is endlessly present and will still be there in years to come.
For Her we have the cute little teddy bear complete with embroidered bib. Women just love little bears far more than jewellery or weekends away, so don't let her suggestion that you whisk her off to Paris fool you - she just wants a welpy-eyed teddy to dust. We recreate your poor sewing standards by taking a needle and thread onto a train to stitch your message. By letting the motion of the carriage render our own skills useless we achieve a wild stabbing action for an authentic finish. Unfortunately the cost of rail travel to perform this feat, pushes the cost of the bear up immensely.
For Him we have the only thing any man wants. Sex. Cross stitched onto a card for you to embellish as you see fit.
So that we cannot be accused of taking money away from the multinationals with this idea, we pledge that for every ShittyGift we sell we'll donate £1 to support Google.
We love to see your photos, so if you upload images of ShittyGift please remember to tag us @twistedtwee.